Saturday 24 March 2012

Photoshoot 4

 I liked this photo a lot mainly because how the background is blurred with the lens but still capturing a bit of sharpness which helps in creating a good depth of field. the reasons I didn't end up using this photo in my final is because I felt it lacked enough relevance to my other photos and that I'm not sure how effective the blur was too overwhelming.

I'm happy I with my last photoshoot and quite sure I have the photos I need now to make up my final images. In this photoshoot I was trying a few new things such as photographing in the "golden zone" just before sunset, the only problem being they didn't fit too well with my other photos I'm considering for my finals. One photo that I think was very successful was the top photo because it shows a very low perspective of being in the grass with even being underneath the abandoned fence. I can see myself using this as one of my finals.

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