Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Final Photos

My final is a timeline of ice going from a solid block of ice to it breaking up and melting over time and as its melting, making different forms. In each photo I am concentrating on having a little bit of water under the ice to make it obvious to the viewer that its ice that's melting. The lighting which was just one light shining direct onto the ice also helps show that it's melting by making the ice look more reflective. The theme of time and change comes across strong with the photos melting which is reinforced by the different range of shapes being made as it melts. There is a natural and made made feel with the photos where the melting is very natural but the the shapes as it is melting is very man made because the ice left on its own would not melt down like how I have shown, this helped strengthen my sculpture twist to my idea.

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