Saturday, 28 April 2012


 My first concept idea which I modeled too look a lot like eva with the curve where the neck is, floating head and with the legs I was going to have rocked booster legs so he could hover but I felt that that would over complicate the simple design I was going for and at this stage i'm not that familiar with fire dynamics. 
 With this design I modeled eyes how its like its on a screen, This concept has a raindrop body and more joints than the other concepts which would be make animating more flexible and provide more options but For this design I didn't like the over look of it and I thought it needed to be smoother or a lot more round all around.
With my final concept idea and the character I chose I liked how it was simple and clean and has a big enough face so I can show the different emotions with its complexity if i want to add detail I still can work with modeling the legs and arms to how I like.

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